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Hyperbaric Chamber (HBOT) Facility in the Philippines

Recompression oxygen therapy is the primary treatment for Decompression sickness/bends (DCS) and Arterial Gas Embolism (AGE).

The therapy immediately reduces the amount of bubbles in the bloodstream, fills the tissues with oxygen, and reduces swelling. Throughout the treatment, diver-patients are accompanied by medical attendant nurses inside.


In most instances, it's critical to get treatment as soon as possible, because the symptoms of Decompression illness can be life-threatening. 


Manifestations are one or more of the following: most commonly are joint pain, hypesthesia, generalized fatigue or rash; less common but more serious, motor weakness, ataxia, pulmonary edema, shock and death.

Our Hyperbaric chamber facility is supervised by a highly qualified and experienced Hyperbaric physician/Diving Medical Officer (DMO). The team is also composed of experienced nurses and  chamber operators-who are trained and certified by American Nitrox Divers International (ANDI).

The largest, most advanced and state of the art Multi-place Hyperbaric Medical (HBOT) facility in the Philippines

  • Multiplace Hyperbaric chambers that can pressurized from (15 feet up to 60 feet).

  • Large room sized Hyperbaric chambers which reduce the feeling of claustrophobia

  • Equipped with TV / Music entertainment.

  • Aircon equipped.

  • Computer aided control system* which ensures an even smoother pressurization/depressurization profile designed for  your treatment needs that ensures maximum comfort.

  • Divers Alert Network (DAN) Accredited.

  • DiveAssure Accredited.

    * Available for our 6,8 and 14 person multiplace hyperbaric chamber.


*applicable to both DCS and AGE

  • Monitor the patient for responsiveness, airway, breathing and circulation, resuscitate if necessary.

  • Treat for shock.

  • Lay the patient on their back, or for drowsy, unconscious, or nauseated victims, on their side.

  • Administer Medical grade oxygen as soon as possible.

  • Seek immediate medical assistance, locate a hospital with hyperbaric facilities and plan for possible transport.

  • Allow the patient to drink sufficient water if responsive, stable, and not suffering from nausea or stomach pain. Administration of intravenous saline solution is preferable.

  • Record details of recent dives and responses to first aid treatment and provide to the treating medical specialist. The diving details should include depth and time profiles, breathing gases used and surface intervals.

  • Contact our facility immediately


Monday to Saturday

8:00am – 6:00pm

6:00pm onwards  (by appointment)


Sunday / holidays

By appointment and diving emergencies


open to receive EMERGENCY CASES 24/7

(02) 7957-1340
+63 977-835-3665

24/7 HOTLINE (Emergency):
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